
''TSelectFiles'' demo

Welcome to this demonstration of the tselectfiles plugin. The main
purpose of this short screencast is to show how to use the
tlib#input#List() function and thus the tselectfiles plugin efficiently.

I first open a file from the VIM source code repository. I will then
call the '':TSelectFilesInSubdirs'' command to retrieve a list of all
files in that repository. The way tselectfiles is configured on my
computer, it will not scan the file tree but retrieve the list directly
from mercury, which is a little bit faster.

    1. Open [[~/.vim/src/vim/README.txt]].

    2. Call the '':TSelectFilesInSubdirs'' command.

    3. Move through the list by pressing <up> and <down> keys or
       <pageup> and <pagedown>.

    4. Filter the list: show only those files matching "Make". Since the
       file list is rather long, the filter won't be applied as you type
       the pattern. 46 files remain in the list. You can now edit the
       pattern. Since the list in shorter now, the filter will be
       applied as you type the pattern.

    5. Show only those files matching "Make" AND "cyg". Press <space> +

    6. Select a file: either by pressing "Enter" or by "Alt + Number in

    7. Show only files in the ''xxd'' subdirectory.

    8. Open all Makefiles in tabs.


vikitasks & viki demonstration: A personal wiki & task management

Welcome to this small demonstration of the vikitaks and thus the viki vim plugins. viki provides a personal wiki for vim. vikitask can be used to quickly review tasks that are scattered over several files.

Any viki file that includes task definitions is automatically included in the list of files that are scanned for tasks. You can also pre-define a set of files that should be scanned anyway.
  1. Create a new notes file
  2. Show the contents of two other notes files
  3. Invoke vikitasks
    1. Show current tasks (Please note that the next task is initially selected. The tasks above that line have deadlines in the past): :VikiTasks
    2. Show pending tasks that need attention: :VikiTasksAlarms
    3. Show tasks that are due in this week: :VikiTasks week'
    4. Show all tasks including undated ones: :VikiTasks *'
    5. Show all tasks related to viki: :VikiTasks * :viki


Selecting items from a list with tlib's tlib#input#List() function

tlib#input#List() lets users select one are many items from a list. In
this demonstration, we select two files from a list of about 500

We use the :Tragfile command, which is sets the initial filter to
"parts" of the current file's basename. The current document is called
"post_tlib.txt". Since no file matches "post_tlib", the initial list is
empty. We remove that filter to see the whole list by typing <C-BS>.

    1. Find: Filter_cnf.vim (from tlib_vim)
       Type: Fi cnf.<CR>
       Or:   Fi<ALT-4>
    2. Find: vikitasks.vim (from vikitasks_vim)
       Type: vikit<CR>
       Or:   task<ALT-2>

Besides the "cnf" filter used in this demonstration, tlib also supports
fuzzy matching (as seen on TV).


The tcomment vim plugin

In this video of the tcomment vim plugin we demonstrate the gc operator and automatic recognition of filetypes.

In a HTML paragraph, we type gcip (that is gc + ip for "inner paragraph" to comment this paragraph out (and then again to uncomment it). Since this paragraph contains HTML syntax, tcomment recognizes it as HTML and uses the appropriate markup.

We then use <c-_>b to comment the visually selected paragraph as block.

We try the same with PHP code.


The tskeleton and stakeholders vim plugins

Here is a simple demonstration of the tskeleton and the stakeholders plugins.

This is a demonstration of the tskeleton and the stakeholders plugins. First, we type a template name and press <c-space> to expand the template. This is done by tskeleton. We then type the name of the environment. In this example we insert an environment. The environment name is automatically inserted in the corresponding \verb+\end+ command. This is done by stakeholders.

First, we type only \verb+\b+ to show demonstrate how to select templates from a list of possible choices.
